Discorso inaugurazione:Ms Jeanette Mphephu

Remarks by Ms Jeanette Mphephu on the inauguration of the Humanity and Human Rights Avenue, Scandicci – Florence on 16 March 2019

Mayor Sandro Fallani
President of the Committee
Vice President of the Committee
Ladies and Gentlemen.
This year, the Government and people of South Africa are celebrating the 25th year of Democracy. The South African Government through the leadership our struggle icon, former President Nelson Mandela have done a lot to address the racial and gender imbalances of the past. There are a number of success stories since the attainment of our democracy to tell.
We are gathered here today, to plant a tree in remembrance of one of the freedom fighters in South Africa and in the world at large. Twenty five (25) years ago, South Africans exercised their democratic right to vote for a government of their choice, marking our country’s historic progress from the apartheid oppression to a free and equal society. This year, on 08 May 2019, South Africans will be voting for its 5th administration which will continue with the struggle left by our icons.
To mark this important year, the South African Embassy in Rome will organise events with different stakeholders in Italy to celebrate the freedom of South Africa. The Embassy will host the National Day in Reggio Emilia on 04 April 2019. South Africa and the City of Reggio Emilia enjoy a long-lasting bond of solidarity and friendship.
The Embassy is working with Liberation Project to organise various concerts across Italy in celebration of 25th anniversary of South Africa’s Freedom. The Liberation project is a live music initiative featuring liberation songs from South Africa, Cuba and Italy. Music played a key role in driving change and creating harmony in South Africa under apartheid. A tour of Liberation Project concerts across Italy will be held in July 2019.
We hope you will be available to attend some of the events once we send you invitations.
On behalf of the South African Government, Ambassador Shirish Soni and officials at the Embassy I am honoured to witness the inauguration of the Humanity and Human Rights Avenue dedicated to Former President Nelson Mandela as a Human Rights Champion.
I wish to thank the Mayor of Scandicci and his Committee for the humbling thought in honouring a hero who left a lasting legacy of peace and humanity for all.

I thank you.